Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: C-
  • Organized Sport and Physical Activity: C
  • Active Play: B
  • Active Transportation: D+
  • Sedentary Behavior: B
  • Physical Fitness: C+
  • Family and Peers: A
  • School: A-
  • Community and Environment: C
  • Government: C

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Report Card Leaders

Bojan Masanovic, Ph.D.
Bojan Masanovic received his Bachelor degree from the Faculty of Sport Physical Education, University of Novi Sad. His graduate training was from the University of Novi Sad where he obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Sport Science. He joined the University of Montenegro in 2017, where he currently working as a Assistant Professor, and as the Head of the Research in Sports and Biomechanics in sports Units. To date, he has authored and co-authored 77 peer-reviewed articles in multidisciplinary journals, including those with high impact factors from Q1 and Q2 category. He has been repeatedly rewarded by credit mobility within the ERASMUS + and CEEPUS programs, which enabled him to teach at several universities, in Spain, Croatia (3 times), Turkey and the Czech Republic. He is a participant in eight scientific and bilateral projects, and is a representative of Montenegro in four COST actions. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education and an Ad-Hoc Reviewer in several international journals (International Journal of General Medicine; Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Targets and Therapy; Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine; Sport Mont), also for the last three years, the President of the Organizing Committee of the Annual International Scientific Conference organized by the Montenegrin Sports Academy. The University of Montenegro awarded him recognition for the achieved results and contributions to the development of scientific research, artistic and professional work at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in 2019.

Jovan Gardasevic, Ph.D.
Jovan Gardasevic obtained his PhD at the Faculty for Sport and Physical Education at University of Montenegro. At the same faculty, from 2009 to 2020 he was teaching assistant. Currently, he is employed as Assistant Professor at University of Montenegro. His research interests include the assessment of physical activity, sports training, body composition. He has published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles in multidisciplinary journals, of which 25 articles in journals indexed in Web of Science. Also, he works as managing editor of Sport Mont journal which is indexed in Scopus database. Jovan is appointed as FIEP (Fédération Internationale d’Education Physique) coordinator for Montenegro. A member of the Senate of the University of Montenegro was from 2016 to 2020. For a long time he worked as a Professor of physical education at elementary school. Twelve years he worked as coach at professional Football club, while at the same club for three years he was sports and executive director. Since 2015 he covers the place of advisor for sport issues at that club.

Report Card Team