Report Card Grades

  • Overall Physical Activity: F
  • Organized Sport and Physical Activity: D+
  • Active Play: INC
  • Active Transportation: INC
  • Sedentary Behavior: D
  • Physical Fitness: C+
  • Family and Peers: A
  • School: C+
  • Community and Environment: B
  • Government: C-

Report Card Leaders

Jorge Pérez Gómez, Ph.D.
Dr Jorge is coordinator of the interdisciplinary research group (University of Extremadura and Extremadura Health System CTS047) called Health, Economy, Motricity and Education (HEME). He is currently working as a full university professor. He developed his doctoral tesis at the University of las Palmas (Canary Islands) on Physical Activity, Health and Sports Performance, with a grade of Outstanding Cum Laude. He has published more than 70 publications with JCR impact factor and h-index according to ISI of 16, with more than 1071 citations received in the articles in which he has participated as autor. In recent years he has carried out projects and publications on cost-effectiveness of programmes and clinical trials to study the relationships between tele-exercise, physical activity and health-related quality of life. Also, it is worth mentioning the multiple research projects related to the evaluation of physical fitness and performance assessment, as well as the effects of training in different populations and athletes. Topics with proven international expertise are: Cost-effectiveness; assessment of fitness, brain and motor pattern, technology transfer (tele-exercise and health) and capacity building and partnerships at local level.

Jose Carmelo Adsuar Sala, Ph.D.
Dr Adsuar is coordinator of the interdisciplinary research group (University of Extremadura and Extremadura Health System CTS057) called Promoting a Healthy Society Research Group (PHeSo). He is currently working as a full university professor. He developed his doctoral thesis at the University of Extremadura on Health Related Quality of Life and Strength in women with fibromyalgia. He has published more than 60 publications with JCR impact factor and h-index according to ISI of 24, with more than 18,800 citations received in the articles in which he has participated as author. In recent years he has published projects and publications on cost-effectiveness of programmes and clinical trials to study the relationships between tele-exercise, physical activity and health-related quality of life. Among others, it is worth mentioning the project related to the observatory of obesity, motor skills and youth well-being in Extremadura. The topics with contrasted international competences are: Cost-effectiveness; assessment
of physical condition, brain and motor pattern, technology transfer (tele-exercise and health) and development of capacities and alliances at local level. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Women Health section of the journal Healthcare (JCR Q3), member of the editorial team of the Exercise and Health section of the journal Enviromental Research and Public Health (JCR Q1), member of the editorial team of the Health and Sustainability section of the journal Sustainability (JCR Q2), member of the editorial team of the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (JCR Q3).

Laura Muñoz Bermejo, Ph.D.
Dr Laura is coordinator of the interdisciplinary research group (University of Extremadura and Extremadura Health System CTS053) called Social Impact and Innovation in Health (inHEALTH). Laura is Associate Professor of the Degree in Nursing at the University Centre of Mérida, University of Extremadura. At the same time, she is Deputy Director of the University Centre of Mérida, University of Extremadura.

She obtained the European Doctorate from the University of Seville, with a grade of Outstanding Cum Laude. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Carers of the Elderly in the South-West Rural Area of the Badajoz Health Area”, initiated a line of research in her career that continues today. She has been awarded the Teaching Excellence Award of the Programme for the evaluation of the teaching activity of the teaching staff of the University of Extremadura in 2014 and 2019. She has participated as a collaborating researcher in 5 Teaching Innovation Projects, awarded by the University of Extremadura and has participated as a teacher and co-director in several advanced training courses at the University of Extremadura. She started as a member of the research group Pharmacogenomics of psychiatric diseases and later in the Health, Economy, Motricity and Education Group (HEME).

She has participated in 3 research projects, all of them related to ageing, elderly people and/or their carers. The interest in health status, functional capacity, emotional, psychosocial and family status of older people and their carers are the focus of the projects and publications.