AHKGA Catalogue of Trainees

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the Global Matrix 4.0 process, AHKGA is trying to compile a catalogue of all trainees (Masters, PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Visiting Professors, Other Trainees) who were involved or gained experience as part of their training through your country Report Cards and/or the Global Matrices (2014, 2016, 2018, 2022).

If you had any trainees engaged in this capacity, please submit the following form to us. Your prompt support and cooperation is appreciated!

Thank you!

I. Report Card Leader/Trainee Supervisor

II. Trainee

Post-doctoral fellow
Visiting professor

Prefer not to say

III. Project(s), in which the trainee was involved or gained experience as part of their training through the Report Cards

Global Matrix 1.0 (2014)
Global Matrix 2.0 (2016)
Global Matrix 3.0 (2018)
Global Matrix 4.0 (2022)
Other (e.g., Report Cards that were not a part of a Global Matrix)

IV. Comments (if any)

V. Form submitted by