19 Feb Advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through physical activity
In 2015 the United Nations (UN) adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including ending poverty, addressing climate change and ensuring equitable opportunities for health and prosperity. In response, Canada identified an agenda to achieve these goals by 2030.
ParticipACTION recently worked with members of this group and the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute (CFLRI) to develop a report that explores where current SPAR strategies can be linked to SDG indicators and help Canada advance SDGs like good health, gender equity, sustainable cities and climate action. It also shares actionable recommendations for the Government of Canada, SPAR organizations and influencers.
Read the report here:
- English: Advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through physical activity
- French: Promouvoir les Objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies grâce à l’activité physique : une occasion pour le Canada de montrer la voie
By using existing SPAR strategies to effectively support SDGs, Canada can bypass waiting for the future envisioned and instead lead the way in creating positive change now.
[full commentary published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health can be found here]
Join the webinar on Wednesday, March 5 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET for an in-depth exploration of the report’s important findings and recommendations. The webinar will be presented by Dr. John Spence, professor at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport & Recreation, and additional report authors will be in attendance to answer questions and contribute to the discussion.
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GuDNYzueRuuxI5OYm6rbLA
The webinar will be presented in English. Should you be interested in receiving a French copy of the presentation deck, please don’t hesitate to contact Brianna MacLellan: bmaclellan@participaction.com
Photo by Anna Shvets on pexels