19 Dec Active Healthy Kids Indonesia Hosts Summer Program 2022
On December 10-18, 2022, Active Healthy Kids Indonesia and PETE for Primary School Faculty of Sport and Health Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia organized a Summer Program for undergraduate students to inform future physical activity leaders in Asia about the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance methodology for assessing physical activity-related indicators included in the Global Matrices!
Several lectures were delivered by AHKGA Fellow Dr. Salome Aubert and Report Card country leaders Dr. Razif Shahril (Malaysia) and Dr. Wendy Huang (Hong Kong):
- “Report Card and Ten Common Indicators of AHKGA: Benchmarks and Grading Rubric” by Dr. Salomé Aubert
- “Overall Physical Activity Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Salomé Aubert
- “Sedentary Behavior Indicator: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Salomé Aubert
- “Community and Environment: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Salomé Aubert
- “Government: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Salomé Aubert
- “Organized Sport and PA: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Mohd Razif Shahril
- “Active Transportation: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Mohd Razif Shahril
- “Family and Peers: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Wendy Huang
- “School: Definition, Rational, and Grading” by Dr. Wendy Huang
Congratulations to Dr. Agus Mahendra (Indonesia) and colleagues on the successful dissemination and capacity-building activity!