14 Dec AHKGA and SADEY develop a partnership
We are pleased to announce that Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) and the Sleep and Activity Database for the Early Years (SADEY) Leadership Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop a partnership. The MOU came into effect on November 21, 2022, and will remain in force for three years.
The scope of the partnership relates to AHKGA agreeing to share information about the SADEY project on its website to promote the study, support the recruitment of international collaborators and, more broadly, to the overlapping key goals of both partners; to support physically active lifestyles in children through leadership, knowledge translation and mobilization, capacity building, and advocacy. Collaboration between SADEY and AHKGA should improve the AHKGA Report Cards in the future (e.g., could help a number of AHKGA countries extend their grading of Report Card indicators to include children under 5 years of age).
The main themes of the partnership include:
- Joint AHKGA-SADEY initiatives to build capacity enabling research on physical activity and health in children
- As time, resources, and opportunities arise, co-organization of webinars, symposia, training events, seminars, and workshops related to physical activity in children that will be of interest to SADEY researchers and collaborators and AHKGA members
- Dissemination of knowledge and research on the status of physical activity promotion for children, aiming to inform policies and actions to support countries in getting young people more physically active, for example through print and electronic media
The vision of the SADEY project is to advance knowledge on movement behaviours, their determinants and related health and developmental benefits for children of the early years. The project’s mission is to assemble a large, pooled database of sleep and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour, their determinants and related health and developmental benefits in children of the early years. Amongst its objectives, SADEY aims to: i) develop and disseminate protocols on how to objectively measure, analyse, and report on movement behaviours, and ii) seek partnerships with stakeholders that promote knowledge translation on movement behaviours. Led by co-leaders A/Prof Dylan Cliff and Prof Ian Janssen, the SADEY Leadership Group oversees and advises on the SADEY project. For further information, please visit www.uow.edu.au/global-challenges/living-well-longer/early-years-accelerometry