15 Nov Information Sharing Across the AHKGA Network
Israel recently joined the AHKGA Network to participate in Global Matrix 4.0. In developing the national report card the Israeli working group, which includes an interdisciplinary team of policy makers, researchers, medical professionals, and other stakeholders, seeks to formulate recommendations to promote public policy, programs and research. Israel team leaders felt that it was important for the working group to learn about this process from other experienced members in the AHKGA network.
“We were happy to host Dr. Nicolas Aguilar-Farias, Chile’s Report Card leader at our recent working group meeting on November 3, 2021 on Zoom, to share the methods in which Report Card findings helped support changes to policy and surveillance in Chile”, Israeli team said. “In his talk Nico shared information about efforts to publicize the report card, building capacity, and tailoring messaging to different stakeholders. Nico’s informative presentation included examples such as working with a member of government to launch a national policy for ensuring 60 min of physical activity per day in schools, efforts to improve opportunities for active transport with the Ministry of Transportation, and a comprehensive media campaign. The meeting also included a question-and-answer session focusing on common challenges to promoting physical activity at the national level.
Following this successful meeting, we anticipate future meetings, collaborations and information sharing with colleagues in the AHKGA network.”