28 May Physical Activity of Children and Youth in Basque Country: Presentation to the Ministers
On May 24, Basque Country Report Card Team presented their first Report Card on Physical Activity of Children and Youth to the Basque Country Ministers. At the virtual meeting, Ministers talked to colleagues from Basque Universities and international experts, including Dr. John Reilly (Scotland), Dr. Susana Aznar (Spain), and Dr. Gregor Starc (Slovenia).
Despite Covid-19, Basque Country has made a great start with achieving impact of the Report Card in the Basque region – they have piloted a more accurate physical activity surveillance method (accelerometry) and a pilot test for the creation of a fitness surveillance system (Eusfit Mugiment).
To learn more about the event and to watch a video recording, please visit this link: https://mugiment.euskadi.eus/news/2021/physical-activity-of-children-and-youth-presentation-to-the-ministers/ac14-content/en/
Congratulations to Basque Country Team on the successful event! We are excited to see your next steps!